Gabriel Sargeant

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Read Replicas with containers

Read replicas are a really cool thing databases do can do. Not only do you get high availability but you also get an active spare you know is in good working condition, most of the time…maybe.

So, just a note. Replica db's are great until you wreck your primary database with some stupid commit and then your read replica instantly propagates that stuff up and now you have twice as many broken databases to restore.

This next part is super useful for testing and learning.

The docker-compose yaml below will spin up two Postgres instances on your machine and create two bind volumes with the each db cluster. So at that stage you’ve got two empty db clusters that are doing nothing.

There’s a bit of work with the initialization for each container volume. The containers each expect you to start them and allow them sudo rights on the volume area. Which is totally cool. However, if you want to monkey around with the postgres.conf file then you need to stop both containers, chown -R your_username:your_group those volume locations. And then update the user, so your user id is seen as root on those file systems and on your local machine you can go poking about the pgdata directory without any issues or needing to sudo in.

Also, I’m using timescale here and it only does streaming replication. There ins’t logical replication due to hyper table partitions, instead you get the whole pig…as they say in the DB world I’m told.

Replicating docker timescale / postgres containers

version: '3.9'

    #This is the primary db.
        image: timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg16
            - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
            - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
            - bridge        
        # id here, after first start,
        # start with 0
        user: {your id}:0 
            - $PWD/timescale/home/:/home/postgres/pgdata/data
            - 5432:5432

        image: timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg16
            - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
            - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
            - bridge
        # id here, after first start
        # start with 0
        user: {your id}:0 

        #Really important trick!
        # entrypoint: /bin/bash        
        # tty: true
        # stdin_open: true

            - $PWD/replica/home/:/home/postgres/pgdata/data
            - 5433:5432 #<5433!!!!!>
        driver: bridge

So at this point you have two databases which you can stuff around with but they don’t know anything about each other.

The next thing to do is establish the replica. Which is a little tricky.

Follow these instructions until you get to the replica section.

Timescale DB - configure replication

Then, before you start working on the replica, start the db-replica instance with this bit of yaml included.

    entrypoint: /bin/bash        
    tty: true
    stdin_open: true

This section of yaml in the replica container definition in the code stops postgres starting by starting bash up instead. It’ll just keep the container chugging along. Then via another terminal you can just log in with docker exec -it db-replica-1 /bin/bash

From here you can now delete the db cluster at /home/postgres/pgdata with a rm -rf ./data

Then go back to the replica instructions and you’ll be able to do the magic.

Use the service name db and the bridge network will resolve the localhost ip from dockers dns
pg_basebackup -h db \ 
-D <DATA_DIRECTORY on the container!> \
-U repuser -vP -W

Anyhow, this is a rad little trick because it gives you two little db’s that replicate without having to both with a complex db setup or running VMs etc.

What would be nice, is if you could get a docker postgres/timescale container that allowed you to start it as a replica from the go and you could just pass it all the config needed via an environment variable set.

Anyway, it’s winter and i didn’t have the energy for that. But all of this is really useful.