Gabriel Sargeant

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Lambda Web Mapping: Part 2 - Building it.

I started work on the 09-09-20, 99% finished on the 10-10-20.

I’m just going to list in sections, the parts of the project as I build it, keeping any important notes along the way.

I’m generally approaching this problem from back to front. Starting with the data processing. Then I’ll build the Lambda and infrastructure, and then the javascript monstrosity. Hopefully, this will read like an exciting travel diary.


Lambda Web Mapping: Part 1 - Learning to spell Lambda.

Is it just me or does Lambda get trickier to spell over time?


My Mapping Reference Project Retrospective

A Python (Flask Framework), MySQL DB, ArcGIS Javascript, Ubuntu Server, Nginx, Gunicorn application running on an AWS EC2 instance Also previously implemented in PHP!

What is a Reference Project?
My definition of a reference project is an arbitrary complex project. that you the developer, knows how to solve, and usually like solving. The goal is for it to act as a non-trivial learning aide. To assist in learning new tech, or to help push yourself to reach a new goal.


Somewhat simple responsive images with Hugo

There are a lot of ways to create responsive images for websites on the internet. Here’s what I did. First off, I’m about the least qualified person with regards to this topic to proffer advice about it. However, it wasn’t that hard and I did manage to figure out a way that fits with the simplicity I was after. Read more...

This site: 4 - Building this site with Hugo. Updates

How I chose Hugo …wait for it… I read somewhere Hugo was a static website generator… That’s it. I also think I also read that it was written in Go. I’m usually more choosy about things, but I like Go. And importantly I don’t know what I don’t know yet. So I can’t make a bad call with picking a static site generator. Read more...

This site: 3 - Rebuilding this site again.

I deployed this site to the web on the 26th. And before that day was over I was already in the AWS console ripping it to shreds. This is a picture of the network, before and after. In red is the exposed surface. It’s not a huge thing but I wanted to provide only one way to see this site. Read more...

This site: 2 - Actually building this site

Getting this all setup. If you read my first post about getting into static site development from about a week before this one you’ll get a good laugh. Or I did. I’ve pretty much made every mistake I could and most of those are related to my not reading the f—ing manual. Read more...

This site: 1 - Thinking about building this site

This is an early rundown of how I plan to get this site up on the web. Firstly it’s a static site. I’ve long enjoyed fast loading dense content that doesn’t have a lot of bells and cruft. So figure I’ll follow that path. Site generator I’m going to use Hugo as the base site generator. Read more...

Geospatial visualizations, on the fly

Map Tool. This is a simple and speedily built one page map visualization tool. It’s designed for taking some CSV data and ‘joining’ it to a map. The result is thematic mapping which is pretty cool and when done correctly is always a crowd-pleaser on the web. Truthfully the ’tool’ I wrote is pretty janky. Read more...


Hi I’m Gabriel Sargeant. I live in Tasmania and I do IT stuff for work. I like building stuff! This site mostly exists to keep me busy during COVID, and to act as a record for the things I think about and build.
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