Gabriel Sargeant

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Graphs and the ASGS: Part 3 - Abandon all hope ye who enter here.


Anti-Facial Recognition Tech means nothing when you stage an insurrection.

If you’re reading this in the far, far future, The year was 2021 and it got off to a nutty start.


This site: 6 - Sidebar notes. Building a uber simple shortcode.

Digressions plural noun: digressions a temporary departure from the main subject in speech or writing. Sometimes my thinking, and writing is like this picture… When I write here, I usually put my thoughts in Italics. Wait! I know it’s all my thoughts. I’m more talking about the thoughts that happen, that aren’t on the main path. Read more...

Thinking about Anti-Facial Recognition Tech

Surveillance presents a problem for society and individuals. Thankfully, it’s less of a problem for you, me, and this site. I don’t collect logs or capture analytics on anything. The only reader of this site that I know anything about is my poor wife, who I lovingly encourage to proofread all of this… Read more...

Responsive Images and Hugo...again!...Never again!

This week on “Things that seem simple, yet are really tricky”, Gabriel gets twitchy and decides to get down “into the weeds” with responsive images and Hugo short codes. Oh, what regrets he has…..


This site: 5 - The Zen-like sand garden of constantly tweaking things.

This is a small update to the sites hosting. I’ve been pondering about the ‘hackers’ that are going to find my not well hidden public S3 bucket. What will they do with it in it’s read-only form? Will they make hundreds of thousands of non-cached requests against my content in an attempt to make me pay a few extra dollars…. Read more...

Graphs and the ASGS: Part 2

Before you read this, read what came before this. Graphs and the ASGS Part 1.

So… I got slightly distracted by the 2020 election. Who didn’t!. I think I watched like 96 hours of CNN. I won’t be doing that again for ~4 years. This was a super helpful distraction because this little jaunt into the ASGS has turned into a tiny bit of a death march. Anyway, I think I have a way forward.


Graphs and the ASGS: Part 1

A friend of mine recently had a dataset provided to her that had statistics in it at the SA3 level. The work she does focuses on information based around Suburbs and Local Government Areas. This SA3 data created a question for her. What Suburbs exists in what SA3’s? It’s surprisingly difficult to answer this question quickly. Read more...

Lambda Web Mapping: Part 4 - The Retro

If you don’t know what this is about, then follow this link and read up on the design and implementation of my little side project. Serverless Web Mapping

In Summary

I’m happy with what I got done. I made many mistakes along the way but I learnt some stuff.

The goal of the project was to select features on a map, and use that selection to drive a data query, and then to visualize that data.

Mission Accomplished.


Lambda Web Mapping: Part 3 - Serverless Web Mapping

This link is to the 99% finished site. Serverless Mapping, Visualizations, and a whole swag of Data. If you’re reading this in the future, then hopefully everything is still working! For the full write up of how I built this site have a read of Lambda Mapping Project And for fun, contrast what I built with my initial design. Read more...
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