Gabriel Sargeant

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Ray Tracing in 'one' weekend - 01

If you’re looking for a good way to eat up time and learn all sorts of great 3d math, then I highly recommend Ray Tracing in one weekend. I think the title holds up well. If you used all 48 hours of one weekend you could do it. Or, that could just be me. YMMV.

My folly started when I tried replacing c++ with Golang. I had two goals,

  1. Write a ray tracer. (Easy right, just no dramas at all with this.)
  2. Bed down more Golang.

I failed at both :D

It’s been going medium ok, so far. At the moment something is wrong, something with materials and colors.

my significant no segfaulting attempts so far.

The last picture, of the darkly shaded red and yellow ball is more closely correct than the two before it. Whilst the two before it look cool. I wasn’t trying to do the glass effect, it just happened… 눈_눈

Anyway, I broadly understand the problem. The first issue was starting this in the first place. :P.

Actually, the real problem is probably that I was following and older PDF guide, which was version 1.54, the website I didn’t follow is at Version 3.2.3 as of 2020-12-07. Also, I think there’s probably a big bug in the program where I kind of went off script and stated using the multiple return values that golang allows.

I guess that’s how you learn!