Gabriel Sargeant

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Infrequent tasks worth remembering

Unzipping a file in S3 with AWS Lambda, and writing it all back to S3

This is all about how to take a zip file in S3, unzip it as a stream, and then write it back to a s3 bucket, or where ever…

Firstly, I followed this medium post by John Paul Hayes. How to extract a HUGE zip file in an Amazon S3 bucket by using AWS Lambda and Python. Thanks to him. ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

I am in no doubt about the fact I will have this problem again, and John’s solutions was great and I didn’t really alter much of anything.

I’m mostly just putting this here, where I won’t need to panic search for it next time I’m in a jam. It’s usually easy to remember my own name….

With the use case the I had here, I needed to script an AWS CLI worker to invoke the Lambda Function. It’s written around that style of use.

Obviously, you could trigger it with all sorts of events.

This is the payload.

  "src": "zip-test-source",
  "dst": "zip-test-dest",
  "zip":"A Biggly Zip"

This is the Lambda, with all the gory imports.

import logging
import os
from http import HTTPStatus
import boto3
import io
import traceback
import zipfile

logger = logging.getLogger()

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    try:       'Event: %s', event)       
        s3_resource = boto3.resource('s3')
        zip_object = s3_resource.Object(bucket_name=event['src'], key=event['zip'])
        buffer = io.BytesIO(zip_object.get()["Body"].read())
        z = zipfile.ZipFile(buffer)
        for filename in z.namelist():
            file_info = z.getinfo(filename)

    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception('Error during unpackziptoS3')
    return {
        "statusCode": HTTPStatus.OK.value        

To run this:

  1. Create a Python 3.8 Lambda
  2. Give it about ~500MB of memory
  3. Increase the timeout to about ~5 mins. (Good for about 5 gig)
  4. Do any other lambda stuff you want, like creating a IAM role for the Lambda function that has explicit read and write to the buckets etc.

Invoke it with the AWS CLI

aws lambda invoke --function-name s3zipstream --log-type None --payload {base64 your payload} out.txt --cli-read-timeout 360

Pass the cli-read-timeout command if you’re synchronously waiting for the file to unpack.

LinuxHint - base64

I’m throwing an error rather than trying to recover, that’s to avoid burying fault recovery logic inside something that should just be pass or fail.

It’s like there’ a GAP in the serverless open source library market for all these many glue like functions.

anyway, there’s more to remember.. so I’ll be writing a few of these.