Gabriel Sargeant

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Read Replicas with containers

Read replicas are a really cool thing databases do can do. Not only do you get high availability but you also get an active spare you know is in good working condition, most of the time…maybe.


Building a picnic table.

I built a picnic table. After examining the price of outdoor furniture, and also observing it’s generally poor quality. I decided I’d build the type of table they put in pubs to withstand the rigors of drunken louts. Hopefully it should be enough to withstand me. All up, cost about $450 AUD because inflation sucks and timber is oddly expensive in Tasmania. Read more...

My 1kb site


My thoughts about the future of my work and how AI will impact me alone. Yes, that's correct I don't care about how it impacts other people. Let the world burn...

This is actually a how to guide on what I think is best practice with OpenAI at the moment. YMMV I was watching a Tom Scott video about AI, more precisely ChatGPT. Linked Here He was being his usual amazed self and both marveling and worrying about at how good it was at coding. Read more...

End of days for twitter

Four days before the 2022 world cup of Fifa corruption. Elon Musk has put a difficult proposition to his newly purchased staff at Twitter. The choice: Start working to death and take a gamble your hard work can make twitter a product so great it digs me (Elon) out of this debt hole I put us in. Read more...

More Zen garden stuff and why August is the best month yet

August and September are the most productive months of my year. There’s a certain energy that I’ve noticed on the ramp down out of winter. The days are getting longer, each day a little warmer. Consequently my mood get’s brighter and brighter. I started to notice this trend when it first got a github account and experienced the pressure of that daily activity tracker. Read more...

Sewing a $500 skirt

My fancy new Sewing Machine I like making stuff. Sometimes I make things that are programming related, and other times I like making real stuff. I like making art, such as painterly paintings (more on this later) and lino prints. Recently it’s been making stuff with my fancy new beast of a sewing machine. Read more...

Infrequent tasks worth remembering

Unzipping a file in S3 with AWS Lambda, and writing it all back to S3 This is all about how to take a zip file in S3, unzip it as a stream, and then write it back to a s3 bucket, or where ever… Firstly, I followed this medium post by John Paul Hayes. Read more...

Image unshredding: Part 1 - shredding images

On the orange site of infinite distractions, I saw this great post about reconstructing images that had been shredded. I like these sorts of challenges. Like mapping and ray tracing, this is a visually engaging activity. Though I usually do enjoy getting backend stuff to work, it’s just a little nicer to do stuff with graphics that provide a bit of visual feedback. Read more...

Ray Tracing in 'one' weekend - 01

If you’re looking for a good way to eat up time and learn all sorts of great 3d math, then I highly recommend Ray Tracing in one weekend. I think the title holds up well. If you used all 48 hours of one weekend you could do it. Or, that could just be me. Read more...
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